It is so important to have an accessible, organized space to do work at home-- especially in today's world, where many of us are working and taking online classes from home. Here are 5 steps you can take to create a neat, beautiful set-up so that you can work from home with ease.
Step 1: Invest in a Desk and a Comfortable Seat

If you’re going to be working from home, you’re going to need a space to do it. Office Depot has a whole selection of quality, relatively affordable options to choose from. I personally love roomy desks with lots of drawers to store supplies in. Next, of course, after you get a desk, you’ll need a chair! Preferably one that’s comfortable and mobile so you can adjust yourself with ease. There’s nothing more discouraging when trying to motivate you to do work than knowing you’ll have to endure an uncomfortable, cushion-less chair awaiting you. I have this one from Staples and I love it!
Step 2: Purchase Desk Organizers

Desk organizers are my favorite part of my work set-up. With all of the colored pens, pencils, and other school supplies I talk about having in one of my recent blog posts at Dream Mentorship, I need a simple way to organize them so I can grab them without hesitation. I personally use this affordable organizer from Target to store my pens and pencils, as well as an organizer attached to a desk lamp, also from Target, to store my colored pens and highlighters. Finally, since I love organization so much, I also use this organizer from Staples to store my erasers, post-it notes, and other smaller supplies.
Step 3: Find a Desk Calendar

I am a huge believer in utilizing calendars, planners, and to-do lists. Having a desk calendar is a great way to map out your week. It allows you to have a nice, large representation of your month that is easily accessible. This year, I’m using this one from Target because it matches the aesthetic of my room. I love choosing a new calendar each year with fun designs on them!
Step 4: Create a DIY Charging Station

Nothing’s more annoying than being in your ‘work mode’ and having to stop what you’re doing to get up and grab a charger. This can be so distracting, and you can easily lose your train of thought. I recommend getting a power strip (mine is this one from Amazon) so that you can charge your laptop, phone, and any other device you need charged all in one place.
Step 5: Make it Your Own

Finally, my favorite step: design! I find that if I make my desk both neat and aesthetically pleasing, I want to use it more. I recommend getting some small plants from Anthropologie to brighten up your space, a nice coffee mug from Bed Bath & Beyond (I love ones with uplifting quotes on them), and maybe some coasters from Anthropologie so you don’t stain your new desk with condensation marks. Now you have an organized, cute space to get your work done!