"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." - Oprah Winfrey
We're living in a challenging period of history right now, and it can be hard to feel hopeful, much less grateful. It's easy for someone to tell you to "just stay positive," or "everything will be alright," but it can be difficult to believe. Preserving and prioritizing your mental health during this time is extremely important, and recognizing what you're grateful for is one simple step that can help you. The good news is that by just putting a little bit of thought into it, it's actually easy to come up with a few positive things every day that we already have built into our lives. The results can be extremely helpful and healthy, especially if you're struggling with isolation, fear, remote learning or working, financial distress, societal unrest, raising children, or the uncertainty of Covid-19. There's a lot going on right now, so let's lean on each other for support and remember that self- love is essential every day!
Why is Gratitude Important?
According to Harvard Medical School, "Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships."
What Should I Write in My Gratitude Journal?
I received a wonderful gratitude journal, as a gift, from a dear friend, and it has really helped me to remain positive. Every night, before bed, I just jot down three things that I'm thankful for. It's really that simple! For example, some of the things I've listed, included: receiving a phone call from a friend, having a peaceful backyard to sit in, and taking a long walk with my dog. Gratitude can be about anything that makes your life happier, easier, and calm. I greatly appreciate the material items I have in my life, like my house, car, clothing, etc. But it's the connections and relationships I have that give me the most comfort and happiness. And when we're happier, we're more successful at all the things we want to accomplish and it gives us a deeper sense of control.
Gratitude Journals and Apps
There are lots of wonderful gratitude journals to purchase. The one I happen to have is, "Good Days Start with Gratitude Journal," by Pretty Simple Press. Here's a list of other recommended journals that you may find helpful: "7 Best Gratitude Journals 2020."
However, there are some equally wonderful apps that you can download: "9 Best Gratitude Apps to Be More Thankful Every Day" But do keep in mind that at the end of the day, all you really need is a pad of paper or you can make a quick recording on your phone. If it's easy and convenient, you're more apt to do it!
I couldn't have predicted how much easier it would be to fall asleep and wake up feeling lighter in spirit. I recommend you try it and let Dream Mentorship know how it works for you!