Being stuck at home can leave you feeling bored and antsy. Here are some unique ideas to get you through this summer in the time of COVID-19.
1. Create

At a time filled with so much uncertainty, creating is something so powerful. It can be cathartic for you, and valuable for others. Even if you don’t consider yourself creative, or think you can make anything of worth, I promise you can! Paint, draw, write, or dance! Keep it for yourself or show your friends. The world needs a little beauty right now.
2. Read

If you can’t remember the last time you read a great book, or just want to get back into reading for pleasure again, now is the time! There are so many book review sites like Good Reads to help you find something you like. Additionally, there are many audio and e-book sites providing great sales for quarantine, like Audible. Reading can expand your knowledge, serve as an escape from the monotony of quarantine, and can calm you down before bed.
3. Pick Up A New Hobby

There isn’t a better time for you to try something new. No matter your age, there is always more to learn about yourself. Expanding your horizons can be a fun way to pass the time. Who knows, you may even stumble upon a deep passion of yours you never knew you had. Yoga, running, knitting, cooking, or baking are some fun, affordable activities you can try.
4. Take A Free Online Class

Since many people are stuck inside and Zoom is growing all the more popular, so many free online classes are available! If you are interested in literature, UPenn is offering a free Modern and Contemporary American Poetry course. If you’re more into psychology, The University of Queenland Australia is offering a course called The Science of Everyday Thinking. If you are a college-aged woman wanting to gain professional development skills, Dream Mentorship’s amazing 7-week D.R.E.A.M. summer program is starting soon. There is something for everybody!

Finally, utilizing this time at home to reflect on yourself and prepare for the future can only benefit you. Write out your goals and aspirations, and find a way to make them happen. Desk calendars, planners, and to-do lists can go a long way. Now is a great opportunity to get organized and motivated to achieve your goals!